Censusdis Tutorial – PyData Seattle 2023 Video

Thanks to all who attended my tutorial on using U.S. Census data in Python at PyData Seattle 2023. And thanks to the PyData organizers for putting on such a great event.

For those of you who were not able to attend, the video is now available on YouTube.

About the Tutorial

The video is in two parts. The first part starts with a very minimal example to get you started and then works through various extensions and features including different data sets and geographies and generating maps. The second part is a full soup to nuts example, starting from a research question and working through data discovery, analysis, and producing a presentation-ready map.

Learn as You Go: Running the Code as You Watch

If you’d like to follow along and run the code for yourself as you watch, the notebooks are available in the censusdis-tutorial repository on GitHub. Even better, you can also launch the notebooks in that repository live on mybinder.org. To launch the notebook for Part I, click here. To launch the notebook for Part II, click here.

I hope you enjoy the video and the notebooks that go with it.

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